
We recently had a problem at work where a piece of code was throwing an exception with the message “System variable should be X but is Y”. The problem was that we had no idea which value was incorrectly set, and we were so deep into highly reusable generic code that pushing the value name via method parameter would have required touching dozens of call sites.

To concretize this, we have something like this (types have been altered for their safety):

// This class is auto-generated from an RPC specification.
// It contains many get/set method pairs that wrap the underlying values the remote system exposes.
// We wrote the code generation system such that the name of value being accesses is part of the method name, which also makes it easy to spot when someone makes a breaking change to the RPC contact because code stops compiling!
public class RemoteSystemClient
    Task SetValue1(int newValue) { ... }
    Task<int> GetValue1() { ... }
    Task SetValue2(string newValue) { ... }
    Task<string> GetValue2() { ... }

// This remote system takes some time to change state when you call a setter, what we really wanted was to block until we could observe that the state really changed.
public static class RemoteSystemClientExtension
    public static async Task PollUntilExpectedAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> getter, T expectedValue)
    where T : IEquatable<T>
        for (
            int i = 0;
            (await getter.Invoke()).Equals(expectedValue) && i < 3;)
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
        if (!(await getter.Invoke()).Equals(expectedValue))

                // Here is the problem! I have no idea which value has an incorrect value.
                throw new ValueDidNotSetException($"Expected: {expectedValue}, Actual {await getter.Invoke()}");

When a ValueDidNotSetException is thrown, we could only hope that the stack trace contained enough information to know which code path we were on to deduce which configuration value was not being set in time.

The quickest solution to this would be to add an argument to PollUntilExpectedAsync that identifies the value being set.

Instead of:

client.PollUntilExpectedAsync(async () => await client.GetValue1, expectedValue: 1);

We would write

client.PollUntilExpectedAsync(async () => await client.GetValue1(), expectedValue: 1, name: "Value1");

The problem with this approach is that we would have to change all call sites of PollUntilExpectedAsync and pass the correct configuration value name. We could have used a default parameter value to avoid having to modify so much code, but that would not actually address the problem: we still do not know what method we’re calling and so we do not know which configuration value is not being set. We looked at this and thought “You know, if only we could get the name of the method being called we could put that in the exception message and not have to change all the callers”. That’s exactly what C# Expression trees were made for! I spend the next day reading through the documentation and here’s what I came up with.


Here is our starting point:

var client = new RemoteSystemClient();
await RemoteSystemClientExtension.PollUntilExpectedAsync(() => client.GetValue1(), 2);

When run, this throws an exception like this:

Unhandled exception. expressions.ValueDidNotSetException: Expected: 2, Actual 1
   at expressions.RemoteSystemClientExtension.PollUntilExpectedAsync[T](Func`1 getter, T expectedValue) in /Users/gustavo/code/expressions/Program.cs:line 32
   at expressions.Program.Main(String[] args) in /Users/gustavo/code/expressions/Program.cs:line 47
   at expressions.Program.<Main>(String[] args)

No mention whatsoever about Value1! Let’s see how we can improve PollUntilExpectedAsync:

  1. Copy the original method and change the first argument from Func<Task<T>>> to Expression<Func<Task<T>>>. I simply wrapped the original argument type (which must be a delegate type ) in an Expression. This will be our new public method.
  2. I make the original method private and add one more argument called accessorName. This will be the name of the method that I want to include in the exception message.
  3. Then I write the C# expression code.
private static async Task PollUntilExpectedAsyncImpl<T>(
    Func<Task<T>> getter,
    T expectedValue,
    string accessorName)
            throw new ValueDidNotSetException($"Expected: {expectedValue}, Actual {await getter.Invoke()}. Accessor: {accessorName}");

public static async Task PollUntilExpectedAsync<T>(Expression<Func<Task<T>>> getter, T expectedValue)
    var method = getter.Body as MethodCallExpression;
    var innerGetter = getter.Compile();
    await PollUntilExpectedAsyncImpl(innerGetter, expectedValue, method.Method.Name);

I don’t have to change my original test code, and now I get this exception:

Unhandled exception. expressions.ValueDidNotSetException: Expected: 2, Actual 1. ***Accessor: GetValue1***
   at expressions.RemoteSystemClientExtension.PollUntilExpectedAsyncImpl[T](Func`1 getter, T expectedValue, String accessorName) in /Users/gustavo/code/expressions/Program.cs:line 34
   at expressions.RemoteSystemClientExtension.PollUntilExpectedAsync[T](Expression`1 getter, T expectedValue) in /Users/gustavo/code/expressions/Program.cs:line 43
   at expressions.Program.Main(String[] args) in /Users/gustavo/code/expressions/Program.cs:line 53
   at expressions.Program.<Main>(String[] args)

Notice how the name of the accessor method is included in the exception message, making it really easy to track down which configuration is not being set in time.


You might spot that this Expression stuff is a lot like using reflection. Reflection is slow so before I check this in I should profile how much slower this is than the original solution. For this I will use BenchmarkDotNet to measure the difference.

public class BenchmarkExpressions
    private static readonly RemoteSystemClient client = new RemoteSystemClient();

    public void Expression() => RemoteSystemClientExtension.PollUntilExpectedAsync(() => client.GetValue1(), 1).Wait();

    public void NoExpression() => RemoteSystemClientExtension.PollUntilExpectedAsyncImpl(client.GetValue1, 1, "GetValue1").Wait();


/ * Summary *

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=macOS Big Sur 11.4 (20F71) [Darwin 20.5.0]
Intel Core i7-9750H CPU 2.60GHz, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET SDK=5.0.101
  [Host]     : .NET 5.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET 5.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT

|       Method |          Mean |      Error |     StdDev |
|------------- |--------------:|-----------:|-----------:|
|   Expression | 116,593.03 ns | 987.113 ns | 824.284 ns |
| NoExpression |      51.01 ns |   0.370 ns |   0.328 ns |

😬 Yikes! That is actually almost 2000x slower. Can we do better? The only potentially expensive operation in our code is the Compile call, what if we cached the compilation results?

private static Dictionary<string, Func<Task<int>>> cache = new();
        public static async Task PollUntilExpectedAsyncCached(Expression<Func<Task<int>>> getter, int expectedValue)
            Func<Task<int>> method = null;
            string name = (getter.Body as MethodCallExpression).Method.Name;
            if (cache.ContainsKey(name))
                // Console.WriteLine("Cache hit");
                method = cache[name];
                // Console.WriteLine("Cache miss");
                method = getter.Compile();
                cache[name] = method;
            await PollUntilExpectedAsyncImpl(method, expectedValue, name);


// * Summary *

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=macOS Big Sur 11.4 (20F71) [Darwin 20.5.0]
Intel Core i7-9750H CPU 2.60GHz, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET SDK=5.0.101
  [Host]     : .NET 5.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET 5.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT

|           Method |          Mean |        Error |       StdDev |
|----------------- |--------------:|-------------:|-------------:|
|       Expression | 118,563.55 ns | 2,280.210 ns | 2,964.917 ns |
| ExpressionCached |     556.61 ns |    11.099 ns |    15.192 ns |
|     NoExpression |      50.79 ns |     0.878 ns |     0.685 ns |

Nice! Only 10x slower! This is an acceptable performance difference in my book.


Should you use expression trees to pass down logging state? Probably not, but if you ever need to remember to cache your Compile calls so that you don’t pay a huge performance cost.