
I kept seeing posts on HackerNews about NeoVim so I decided to try it out and see what it can offer that vim cannot. In college, I used vim for almost all my classes but I haven’t used vim proper much at work aside from plugins and bindings for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. The general vibe I got is that that NeoVim addresses all of the old nonsense legacy crap defaults that vim maintains because of “backwards compatibility”. With fresh eyes, the 21st century should likely deliver better text editor defaults and designs than the 20th.

Vanilla NeoVim

Starting NeoVim (with nvim) presents you with an interface that strongly resembles vim. You can type :help nvim to bring up the same vim tutor experience you probably experienced years ago. There is an interesting :checkhealth command where you can ask NeoVim to examine the current system and present recommendations to improve your user experience. Plugins can register their own custom health check integration, which should help users troubleshoot misconfigured plugins. I think :checkhealth is a great tool to diagnose a degraded NeoVim experience instead of hitting you with a wall of errors; more programs should adopt this UX pattern. It is in the health check that I found that neovim did not load my existing user configuration file, ~/.vimrc. I think it’s worthwhile to talk about why.

What happened to ~/.vimrc?

Many programs historically read “hidden” user configuration files from the ~ directory. For example, I have a ~/.vimrc file that vim reads on startup to configure keybinds and plugins. Not all programs use the ~ + hidden file convention, and that has created some trouble in the past trying to synchronize so-called “dotfiles” across machines.

The NeoVim developers thankfully adopted the Cross-Desktop Group (XDG) base directory specification for user configuation files, which means that NeoVim configuration files are searched for in ~/.config/nvim (technically nvim searches environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME but the spec says that if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, applications should default to ~/.config) on macOS and somewhere under %APPDATA% on Windows. The quick and dirty solution if you want to just make nvim behave like vim is to create a symlink from ~/.config/nvim/init.vim to ~/.vimrc. The nvim migration guide asks that you create this file and fill it with commands to source the existing .vimrc, I don’t have a strong opinion either way. I wanted to write an init.vim from scratch, so I chose not to do this.

All of the built-in vim commands in your existing .vimrc will work in NeoVim. Many of your .vimrc lines may now be redundant because NeoVim ships with a lot of default settings on. For a full list of default enabled options, check :help nvim-defaults. You may find your init.vim getting very short; sane defaults are a big win in my book. Some notable settings from my init.vim:

set relativenumber
set number
let mapleader="\<Space>"
inoremap jk <Esc>
nnoremap <Leader>ev :vsplit ~/.config/nvim/init.vim<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>sv :source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>q :q<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>w :w<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>f :noh<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>h <C-w>h
nnoremap <Leader>l <C-w>l
nnoremap <Leader>j <C-w>j
nnoremap <Leader>k <C-w>k


Vim plugins were all originally vimscript programs that interacted with the editor state to provide new functionality. A plugin could be as little as a plugin.vim sourced in .vimrc which set up key mapping, new functions, event hooks, etc… Historically vim had several different plugin package managers, none of which were officially supported and none of them had enough mindshare to be declared a de facto winner. Worse, each package manager had their own specification for package structures so plugin maintainers had to do redundant work to make their plugin work for all users. After years of watching users deal with several ways of doing the same thing, in 2019 vim finally added an official package management specification, you can read about it with :help packages. Note that this is just a specification, vim still relies on the user deciding on a package download & update system. Usually git repositories are sufficient.

NeoVim uses the same package specification as vim, but instead uses XDG_DATA_HOME as the package storage location. Again, NeoVim does not prescribe how to download and update packages and relies on the user to make this decision. You can either:

  1. Do it by hand by placing unpacked packages in the right directory
  2. git clone a ready-to-go plugin repository into the right directory
  3. Rely on a package manager like packer.nvim or vim-plug

I chose to use vim-plug because it has more stars on github, is older than packer, and seems more mature. Packages are declared in init.vim (apparently they are merely names of public GitHub repositories), installed with :PlugInstall, updated with :PlugUpdate, and removed simply by removing them from your init.vim (optionally run :PlugClean to remove unused plugins from the filesystem).


Since NeoVim supports vimscript, almost all vim packages are compatible with NeoVim. This is great for users migrating from vim to NeoVim that need their existing plugins to continue working. Vimscript is, let’s be honest, a terrible scripting language on par with [ba]sh in the number of foot guns you must be careful of. NeoVim supports vimscript for backwards compatibility but also offers a Lua scripting interface.

Generic useful plugins

  1. nvim-telescope to get that nice fuzzy finding
  2. CHADTree really good file navigation
  3. vim-devicons and vim-devicons-emoji to get nice file icons in CHADTree


The language server protocol is a specification developed by Microsoft to decouple features of an IDE (code-completion, navigation, compiler error highilighting, etc.) from the text editor the user wants to use. The goal of LSP is to allow an editor with an LSP client to work for any programming language for which a language server exists. NeoVim ships with a built-in LSP client (nice!), but I still need to find LSP servers for languages I care about. So let’s take my current favorite language C# as an example, there is an LSP implementation by the OmniSharp project, easily installable through vim-plug.

Once installed, does it just work out of the box to replace Visual Studio Code features? Well, not exactly. There are a lot of secondary features of Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio that I have grown used to and I really want to switch over from VSCode to NeoVim because I’m tired of the little UI delays in VSCode. I therefore need to tackle the challenge of becoming a productive C# developer that has gotten used to VSCode and VS.

The OmniSharp folks do recommend a few more plugins, so I will also install them:

  1. ALE: Asynchronous Linting Engine: This gets me linting in the editor. Very important to also configure ALE to only use OmniSharp as the C# linter like this.

Code Navigation

I like to navigate back and forth between definition and usage, so putting my cursor on a type and entering :OmniSharpGotoDefinition works well enough. I can navigate forwards and backwards with Ctrl-o and





vim-plug package explanation